Whats coming up?
The United Carol Service 2024 will take place on Monday 16th December 2024 8pm at Eastcote Methodist Church. All are welcome.
What we have been doing!
Churches Together in Eastcote met for their AGM on Sunday 30th June 2024 in the garden behind St Lawrence Church. We were blessed with good weather and enjoyed the lovely surroundings as we thanked God for another year of working and worshipping together. Following the short service and AGM, we enjoyed refreshments and a social time. Thank you to everyone who helped to make this occasion special.
Carol Service on Monday 11th December 2023 was at St Lawrence Church, Bridle Road.
30th Anniversary Celebrations 2023
In early July CTE celebrated 30 years of friendship and collaboration among the churches in Eastcote. We had an afternoon service, AGM and tea in the lovely garden behind St Lawrence Church, and were delighted to welcome people who have been involved with CTE over the decades. We are so grateful to everyone who has supported us over the last 30 years and we now look forward to continuing our work together. Our next united event will be the Carol Service on Monday 11th December at 8pm at St Lawrence Church, Bridle Road. All are welcome. See the Chair's report below, photos to follow. You can see a few prayers from the service on the homepage. ![]()
CTE poem for AGM 2024
Adapted from poems by Amy Ludwig VanDerwater for the Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra and Steve Page Instrumental Unity in diversity Is CTE’s special power Different rituals, prayers, hymns and people, And churches with spire or tower We’re just like a harmonic orchestra With instruments of many types Some are bowed, or plucked, or hit or air pumped through the organ pipes An orchestra has families too just as our different churches do. Percussion, Woodwinds, Brass, and Strings. Each family has a gift it brings. The cymbals make a crashing sound The oboe gives a toot The cello’s like a human voice And who can ignore the flute? And when they’re ready, then they meet like neighbours chatting in the street. Listening. Now taking turns. Years go by. Each one learns. There is a time to be quiet. A time to be loud. To play alone. To be part of the crowd. Inside, outside, no matter the weather this orchestra will work together. The euphonium is poised And the penny whistle too And when the families converge You hear under the hullabaloo The sweetest harmony Absence of cacophony Because you see There’s one thing that we rely on Every one of us has an eye on The front man who bears the baton Our front man is our Lord and God Who conducts the music we play Whether Methodist, Catholic, C of E We are united when we kneel to pray He leads our three-part symphony Of forgiveness and mercy and love And oh, what harmony there is When we take our orders from above CTE is just like this music making – studying, growing, giving, taking. And in the end, we all feel in our hearts That the symphony is worth more than the instrumental parts. |
12th June 2022 - CTE Pause for Hope Service at 4pm at Eastcote Methodist Church; for survivors of Cancer.
17th July 2022 - CTE Service and AGM. Was held in the gardens of St Lawrence church, an informal occasion, with a short service, music and refreshments.
17th July 2022 - CTE Service and AGM. Was held in the gardens of St Lawrence church, an informal occasion, with a short service, music and refreshments.
CTE Christmas Carol Service - was December 13th 2021 at Eastcote Methodist Church.
Christian Aid and Leprosy Mission Giving 2021
In view of the fact that the usual local collections for Christian Aid are unlikely to be made this year, CTE will be making a donation to Christian Aid to add to any donations made by individual Churches. This is in addition to a donation to the Leprosy Mission. This year all donations made to Leprosy Mission will be matched by an identical donation by the UK Government.
In view of the fact that the usual local collections for Christian Aid are unlikely to be made this year, CTE will be making a donation to Christian Aid to add to any donations made by individual Churches. This is in addition to a donation to the Leprosy Mission. This year all donations made to Leprosy Mission will be matched by an identical donation by the UK Government.
On the afternoon of Sunday 11th July Churches Together in Eastcote held its AGM, service and social in the car park of St Thomas More.
We were blessed with warm and dry weather and we enjoyed meeting up after a long period of enforced separation. Members of the St Thomas More Folk Group played and we were able to sing together. This was a joy, as was the opportunity to listen to messages of hope from the Old Testament, and to a wonderful poem written by the late Doreen Warman, whose writings have so often enhanced our CTE services. We give thanks for this event and look forward to resuming our usual meetings and activities in the autumn. |
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